Are you finding life’s situations disturbing and maybe you need somewhere to hide – so to speak? Are you hiding yourself in your work or your room or even pleasure? Hide yourself in God and He will take care of you.

Each day, take a little time to come aside with Him and rest – do nothing but relax with Him and fix your focus on Him and you together and you will find comfort and strength in that quiet still place. This is the sure place of refuge that scripture speaks about – it will become your haven of rest.

In all life’s situations you can go there and find rest for your soul. He will take care of you and you will find rest from work because you cease from you labors and your mind is in rest mode. Your room will become a place of peace instead of unrest with disturbing thoughts – your emotions become healthier because you’ve found a better place of retreat. You cease to be a slave to pleasure because you will find true pleasure: a place of wholeness instead of addiction to happiness and a place of Joy that is independent of circumstances.

Hiding yourself in your work, your room or pleasure leads to imbalances you don’t want, and can sometimes be upsetting to your love ones, because they feel left out or maybe they are really concerned for you. God says that His ways are a refuge for us – that give us wisdom and strength in life’s situations – His Presence is a sure place of refuge. We need a balance of both. Make that your solution in this time of need. First, start with His Presence – you can’t go wrong – you will become a truly wise person and you will find the answers to your needs for He may even speak to you. Whatever, you will find comfort for He is a sure solace.

I received these words like a straight word of prophecy about 2 am  in 2014

some of my writings are straight words or contain a segment/segments  straight from The Lord.

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Christians Need To Practice A Healthy Fear Of The Lord.

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