God Is My Friend
The sky and the stars, the waves and the sea
The dew on the grass, the leaves on the tree
Are constant reminders of God and His nearness
Proclaiming His Presence with crystalike clearness.
So how could I think God is far, far away
When I feel Him beside me every hour of the day?
And I’ve plenty of reasons to know God’s my friend
And this is one friendship that time cannot end.
Helen Steiner Rice ©
My God Is No Stranger
God is no stranger in a faraway place,
He’s as close as the wind that blows ‘cross my face.
It’s true I can’t see the wind as it blows
But I feel it around me and my heart surely knows
That God’s mighty hand can be felt every minute
For there is nothing on earth that God isn’t in it ―
The sky and the stars, the waves and the sea,
The dew on the grass, the leaves on a tree
Are constant reminders of God and His nearness,
Proclaiming His presence with crystal like clearness.
So how could I think God was far, far away
When I feel Him beside me every hour of the day?
And I’ve plenty of reasons to know God’s my Friend
And this is one friendship that time cannot end!
Helen Steiner Rice ©