Heart Gifts

It’s not the things that can be bought
that are life’s riches treasure,
It’s just the little heart gifts
that money cannot measure.
A cheerful smile, a friendly word,
a sympathetic nod
are priceless little treasures
from the storehouse of our God.
They are the things that can’t be bought
with silver or with gold…
for thoughtfulness and kindness
and love are never sold.
They are the priceless things in life
for which no one can pay,
and the giver finds rich recompense
In giving them away.

Helen Steiner Rice ©

Take Time to be Kind

Kindness is a virtue given by The Lord
it pays dividends in happiness
and Joy is it’s reward.
For if you practice kindness
in all you say and do
The Lord will wrap His Kindness
all around your heart and you.
And wrapped within His Kindness
you are sheltered and secure.
And under His Direction
your way is safe and sure.

Helen Steiner Rice©