Glorious Father

Dear Glorious Father There is no other
Who can compare with You
It really is true__
You’re Majestic and Strong,
so gentle You fill my heart with song
You’re with me all day long.

Janet Vargas © March 2012

Needed Rest

He gives me repose when I am there
away in the cleft of the Rock
And there I’m sure He fully knows
those things on me to bestow.
When I am lost with Him in prayer
“not a worry, not a care”__
is my strength for being there.

Janet Vargas © March  2012

Heavenly Harmony

Heavenly Harmony is in my heart today.
In His Presence Divine
things work out in perfect time
truly I feel just fine.
Spending time with the Father
there is LAUGHTER
and Blessings to fill my day.

Janet Vargas  © April 2012

Pleasantly Blessed

Under my blankets at night__
so cosy I would be__
I look through my window at the stars
The moonlight resting there_
I ponder my days activities
when I went for a walk
I thank you God and I praise You
for all these comforts of mine.
You’ve blessed my day
You’ve blessed my night
I’m precious in Your sight.

Janet Vargas © April 2012

Come to the Father

Our wonderful Savior gave us God’s Favor
in this we are truly blessed.
Come to the Father and let not your Trust waver
you will find such Peace and Rest.
He’s not like the father’s of this world
be in His Grace and Comfort held.
His Love can be bliss you would not miss
if only you knew how He is so True.
Open your heart to Him
He will fill you to the brim!

Janet Vargas © Oct 2023